How to model gears?

What the most flexible way to model gears. It there a parametric object where I can type in the number of teeth, inside & outside radius etc…?

There is a gears mesh object as an add-on in the preferences for the latest blender 2.5 releases.
Go to the user preferences, open the Add-Ons tab and enable the gears primative

Is there an update for 2.49 Mac or will this work with what I’ve got? Oh I see the link you sent me is for updated Blender. Thanks! : )

I just took a look at 2.5 and the interface is beautiful but completely different. Where can I post to hire a Blender modeler real fast!

Gear can be created from scratch relatively quickly. Just get a god image to follow from to be used as background image. Trace one gear teeth, and Spin Duplicate the rest. Connect the teeth and extrude the gear out.


I extruded a gear shape made in illustrator (svg import) but it has no front and back face. How do I fix this?

Below is the gears script that works for 2.49. If you use 2.5, you can go to the user preferences, then go to the addons tab, then enable gears addon.

I hope this helps. If you really need help still, I can make the gears for you. Just send me a private message here at and we can work out the details.


Name: 'Gear_247'
Blender: 247
Group: 'AddMesh'
Submenu: 'Mesh'
Version: '0.99'
Tooltip: 'Create gears/cogwheels'

__author__ ="Michel Anders (varkenvarken)"
__version__ = "0.99 2008/09/11"
__copyright__ = "(cc) by 3.0 nl"
__url__ = ["author's site,"]

__doc__ = """\
Create gears/cogwheels. 

Inspired by the work of Stefano Selleri ( 
Check for a tutorial and additional info.

Teeth: the number of teeth, equally spaced along the radius of the gear <br>
Less than 5 is treated special: this will create a wormwheel.

Radius: The radius of the gear. Gears that interact should be tangent (= touching each other) on their radii. <br>
A negative radius creates an inverted gear (a gear with teeth on the inside). 

Addendum: The amount the tip of a tooth extends above the radius 

Dedendum: The amount the through between two teeth extends below the radius 

Base: The thickness of the rim of the gear 

Width: The thickness of the gear 

Pressure angle: The slope of the tip of the teeth 

Helical angle: Teeth don't have to be perpendicular to the face of the gear. This angle determines the skew. 

Conical angle: Conical gears can be used to link non parallel axes. This angle determines the taper. <br>
E.g. 45 degrees can be used for perpendicular axes. 

Rack: Toggle this to get a single tooth that can be extended to a rack by an array modifier. 

Crown: A nonzero value creates a crownwheel (a gear with teeth that point downward) 

All other parameters should be considered experimental and may not to work

import BPyAddMesh
import Blender
from math import cos, sin, tan, atan, asin, pi, radians as rad
from copy import deepcopy as dc

L=16 # number of vertices
ef  = [5,6,10,13,14,15,12,8,9]
ef2 = [i+L for i in ef]
efc = zip(ef[:-1],ef2[:-1],ef2[1:],ef[1:])
vv  = [5,6,8,9,21,22,24,25] #vertices in a valley
tv  = [13,14,15,29,30,31]   #vertices on a tooth


def add_tooth(a,t,d,r,Ad,De,b,p,rack=0,crown=0.0):
	private function: calculate the vertex coords for a single side
	section of a gear tooth. returns them as a list of lists.
	C=[cos(i) for i in A] 
	S=[sin(i) for i in A]
	#Pressure angle calc
	O =Ad*tan(p)
	p =atan(O/Ra)
	if r<0 : p = -p
	if rack :
		S =[sin(t/4)*I for I in range(-2,3)]

		v=[(Rb,r*S[I],d) for I in range(5)]
		v.extend([(Rd,r*S[I],d) for I in range(5)])
		v.extend([(r,r*S[I],d) for I in range(1,4)])
		v.extend([(Ra,r*Sp[I],d) for I in range(1,4)])
	else :

		v=[(Rb*C[I],Rb*S[I],d) for I in range(5)]
		v.extend([(Rd*C[I],Rd*S[I],d) for I in range(5)])
		v.extend([(r*C[I],r*S[I],d+crown/3) for I in range(1,4)])
		v.extend([(Ra*Cp[I],Ra*Sp[I],d+crown) for I in range(1,4)])
	return v

def add_spoke2(a,t,d,r,De,b,s,w,l,gap=0,width=19):
	EXPERIMENTAL private function: calculate the vertex coords for a single side
	section of a gearspoke. returns them as a list of lists.
	v  =[]
	ef =[]
	sf =[]
	if not gap :
		for N in range(width,1,-2) :
			ts = t/4
			tm = a + 2*ts
			te = asin(w/Rb)
			td = te - ts
			t4 = ts+td*(width-N)/(width-3.0)
			A=[tm+(i-int(N/2))*t4 for i in range(N)]
			C=[cos(i) for i in A] 
			S=[sin(i) for i in A]
			v.extend([ (Rb*I,Rb*J,d) for (I,J) in zip(C,S)])
			Rb= Rb-s
		for N in range(width,3,-2) :
			sf.extend([(i+n,i+1+n,i+2+n,i+N+n) for i in range(0,N-1,2)])
			sf.extend([(i+2+n,i+N+n,i+N+1+n,i+N+2+n) for i in range(0,N-3,2)])
			n = n + N
	return v,ef,ef2,sf

def Gear(N,r,Ad,De,b,p,D=1,skew=0,conangle=0,rack=0,crown=0.0, spoke=4,spbevel=0.1,spwidth=0.2,splength=1.0,spresol=9):
	worm	=0
	if N<5 : (worm,N)=(N,24)
	t	  =2*pi/N
	if rack: N=1
	p	    =rad(p)
	skew	=rad(skew)
	scale   = (r - 2*D*tan(conangle) )/r
	f =[]
	v =[]
	tg=[] #vertexgroup of top vertices.
	vg=[] #vertexgroup of valley vertices
	if worm : (M,skew,D)=(range(32),rad(11.25),D/2)
	for W in M:
		l=0	#number of vertices
		for I in range(int(N)):
			for(s,d,c,first) in ((W*skew,W*2*D-D,1,1),((W+1)*skew,W*2*D+D,scale,0)):
				if worm and I%(int(N)/worm)!=0:
				if not worm or (W==0 and first) or (W==(len(M)-1) and not first) :	
					f.extend([ [j+l+fl for j in i]for i in dc(faces)])
				l += L
			f.extend([ [j+I*L*2+fl for j in i] for i in dc(efc)])
			tg.extend([i+I*L*2 for i in tv])
			vg.extend([i+I*L*2 for i in vv])
	# EXPERIMENTAL: add spokes
	if not worm and spoke>0 :
		for I in range(int(N)):
			s=0 # for test
			if I%spoke==0 :
				for d in (-D,D) :
					(sv,ef,ef2,sf) = add_spoke2(a+s,t,d,r*c,De*c,b*c,spbevel,spwidth,splength,0,spresol)
					f.extend([ [j+fl for j in i]for i in sf])
					fl += len(sv)
				d1 = fl-len(sv)
				d2 = fl-2*len(sv)
				f.extend([(i+d2,j+d2,j+d1,i+d1) for (i,j) in zip(ef[:-1],ef[1:])])
				f.extend([(i+d2,j+d2,j+d1,i+d1) for (i,j) in zip(ef2[:-1],ef2[1:])])
			else :
				for d in (-D,D) :
					(sv,ef,ef2,sf) = add_spoke2(a+s,t,d,r*c,De*c,b*c,spbevel,spwidth,splength,1,spresol)
					fl += len(sv)
				d1 = fl-len(sv)
				d2 = fl-2*len(sv)
				print fl,d1,d2
				#f.extend([(i+d2,i+1+d2,i+1+d1,i+d1) for (i) in (0,1,2,3)])
				#f.extend([(i+d2,i+1+d2,i+1+d1,i+d1) for (i) in (5,6,7,8)])
	return v, f, tg, vg

def main():
	Draw = Blender.Draw
	PREF_N = Draw.Create(20)
	PREF_R = Draw.Create(5.0)
	PREF_A = Draw.Create(0.4)
	PREF_D = Draw.Create(0.4)
	PREF_B = Draw.Create(1.0)
	PREF_P = Draw.Create(20.0)
	PREF_W = Draw.Create(1.0)
	PREF_S = Draw.Create(0.0)
	PREF_C = Draw.Create(0.0)
	PREF_K = Draw.Create(0)
	PREF_CR= Draw.Create(0.0)
	# experimental spoke parameters
	PREF_SP= Draw.Create(0)
	PREF_SB= Draw.Create(0.1)
	PREF_SW= Draw.Create(0.2)
	PREF_SL= Draw.Create(1.0)
	PREF_SR= Draw.Create(7)
	if not Draw.PupBlock('Add Gear', [\
	('Number of Teeth:' 	, PREF_N,     1,  200, 'Number of teeth'),\
	('Radius:'				, PREF_R,  -100,  100, 'Radius of gear, negative for crown'),\
	('Addendum:'			, PREF_A,  0.01,   10, 'Addendum, extend of tooth above radius'),\
	('Dedendum:'			, PREF_D,  0.01,   10, 'Dedendum, extend of tooth below radius'),\
	('Base:'				, PREF_B,  0.01,   10, 'Base, extend of gear below radius'),\
	('Pressure Angle:'  	, PREF_P,     0,   45, 'Pressure angle, skewness of tooth tip'),\
	('Width:'		  		, PREF_W,  0.01,  100, 'Thickness of gear'),\
	('Helical Angle:'   	, PREF_S,   -45,   45, 'Helical angle, skewness of gear threads'),\
	('Conical Angle:'   	, PREF_C,   -60,   60, 'Conical angle, taper of gear'),\
	('Rack'		  			, PREF_K,              'Create a single tooth rack'),\
	('Crown:'   			, PREF_CR,  0.0,   10, 'Extend of crown'),\
	('Teeth per Spoke'		, PREF_SP,    0,  200, 'Create a spoke every Nth tooth'),\
	('Spoke Bevel'		  	, PREF_SB, 0.01, 10.0, 'Spoke Bevel'),\
	('Spoke Width'		  	, PREF_SW, 0.01,  2.0, 'Spoke Width'),\
	('Spoke Length'		  	, PREF_SL,  0.1, 10.0, 'Spoke Length'),\
	('Spoke Resolution'		, PREF_SR,    3,   21, 'Spoke Resulion (must be odd)'),\
	if PREF_SR.val %2 == 0 : PREF_SR.val += 1
	verts, faces, vtips, vvalleys = Gear(PREF_N.val, PREF_R.val, PREF_A.val, PREF_D.val, PREF_B.val,\
	 PREF_P.val, PREF_W.val, PREF_S.val, PREF_C.val, PREF_K.val, PREF_CR.val,\
	 PREF_SP.val, PREF_SB.val, PREF_SW.val, PREF_SL.val, PREF_SR.val)
	BPyAddMesh.add_mesh_simple('Gear', verts, [], faces)
	#make sure we are in editmode
	editmode = Blender.Window.EditMode()
	if not editmode : Blender.Window.EditMode(1)
	#make sure we're NOT in editmode
	#useful vertex groups (ad before we remove doubles because that changes the indices
	me.assignVertsToGroup('teethtips', vtips, 1.0,Blender.Mesh.AssignModes.REPLACE)
	me.assignVertsToGroup('valleys', vvalleys, 1.0,Blender.Mesh.AssignModes.REPLACE)
	print 'removed %s doubles' % n
	for f in me.faces: f.smooth = 0


try this - works pretty well

Is Blender 2.52 a real release? Mac Power PC version. It crashed trying to render the gear 14 of 16 parts. Maybe the gear add-on has bugs.

It’s a beautiful advancement though.

Where can I get a video tutorial for 2.5. I want to buy a comprehensive lesson like “Blender Essential Training with Roger Wickes” I bought the DVD from I never got through the whole DVD and haven’t used 2.49 in months so I forgot and lost most of my noobie knowledge.

I’m a noob. I don’t know how to run scripts. So for now I’ve gone the route to stay with 2.5 and use the Gear Add-On. But I can’t find the parameters to type in the number of teeth, inside & outside radius etc…?

All the parameters you need are on the left at the bottom of the toolbar.

2.52a is an alpha release, essentially a developer’s testing release. It is by no means complete or 100% stable and is not recommended for production work.

To run a script for 2.49, either copy it to your Blender scripts folder and look for it in the Scripts menu, or open it in a Text Editor window and, with your mouse over the Text window, CTRL+A to run it.

in 2.5
go to the user preference panle select the add ons pane at top header of user preference panel
then enable the Gear addons
then top header of screen select add menu
and then selet teh gear script

you also need the T panel
if not seen then just don T key and it should appear on the left of viewport

then look at the bottom of the T panel you shold a panel for the gears

with all the vats like Radius inside outside bevel Qty of theeth


should be easy to use

see pic


Thanks for the screen shots and trying to help. I’ve got the “T” key menu showing
But I’m still not there yet. I think I need a screen shot to find this.

“top of header screen select add menu”

see pic

ounce you ahve added the gear script in the add ons panel

select add menu then select mesh and in this menu at the end you should see the gears
select that one and then ect…

always difficult to find it the first time
but after you’ll find 2.5 so easy to use it’s even fun!

hope it helps


That’s adding gears to my 3d view but I know that already. I’m looking for the parameters to change teeth, radius etc… Can you help me with this? I will pay for training. Do you have skype with screen share? I’ve used it once and think it could work. Send me a private message and hopefully arrange 1 -2 hours of training. See screen shot. There are no gear parameters in the Tool menu or Tool sidebar. Not sure what it’s called.


T key to get the T panel on the bottom of that panel
see the second picture i loaded

it shows the gears parameters

radius theeth ect…

but be carefullthis will stay like as long as you don’t deselect the gear
if you do then you’v lost it
then erase it and add a new one but don’t de select
then change parameters in T panel to what you need

use your mouse to push up the top of the gear panel
and you will see all the vars instead of uosng the scroll bar !


I don’t have that at all. Please see my earlier screen shot. Maybe the Add-On is not working on Mac Power PC version of 2.5. Do I have to tell Blender to load the parameters menu?

well i’m on PC sorry and i don’t ahve a camera on this PC

so cannot use Skyp yet !

but did you find the add ons panel where you eneable the gear script

get to the user preferebce then select the add osn panel on top header of user preference
then enable the gear script

then go to the add menu ect…

this should work in all version i believe

did you find the Python fourm thread for this gear script

it should be easy to work with
ounce you get the feeling of it

sorry go to go for a few hours
sorry be there tomorrow in about 10 hours

do you see the same panle for add ons with the scripts list?
and when enabling gear is it ok?
i mean then it should be added to the add menu for mesh


Based on our last replies I think we’ve established that Add Gear function is not ready for production on the Mac Power PC and likely will not ever be.

So I would like to go back to adding svg paths of gears into 2.49.

The only problem I’m having is getting the gear to have front and back polys. How do I fix this?


in any ase there is the same script available for 2.49

and it will kave faces on either sides

see the link for video i gave to you
show the step to get it working in 2.5

if not ask the guy who did the script i given link for it

i;m certain he can help you male this work in 2.5 or 2.49
