How to model paper / page edges for a book or magazine?

Dear friends,

which is the best way to create a realistic look of multiple page edges of a book or a magazine?
I did the following but it doesn´t look very realistic:

added a plane, scaled to a din a4 page size, created multiple pages by duplicating the plane and this is the result:

Is this the type of look you are looking for?

Your problem is that planes don’t have any thickness, so when viewed exactly from the side, they don’t show up.
You could extrude all your planes a little bit to make them visible, but it would probably still look weird.
A good way would be to have 1 block (one of your pages extruded to the total height of the book) and apply a image texture to the faces around it. Something like this.
To add more detail, you could do a couple of real pages on top of the block, and bend them a bit in the corner.

Also, if you subdivide the main block a few times, you can enable displace in the “pages edge” texture.

hi ridix, this would be a very complex model to create I guess but yes, I mean this type of paper edges and realism!

@Jack: this looks really awesome! how did you create the pages in the left image? You say, planes are not a good idea but what do you mean with " one page extruded to the total high of the book"? how to create this one page if not with a plane? And did you use any modifier?

Sorry, i meant using JUST planes won’t look good, but you do start from a plane.
In edit mode, select your four corner vertices (or press A) then press E to extrude. Once you’ve done that you can select the side faces and assign them a separate material from the rest.
Here I subdivided the mesh a good few times ( W ) and enabled displace in the texture panel so that the dark lines in the photo make ridges.