How to model the "cut" in a bishop chess piece


I’m working on a chess set and was doing fine until i hit the bishop. I can’t figure out how to model the diagonal cut in the bishop’s “head”. I’m using a tapering cylinder for the head.

Any help will be appreciated. I’m not a newbie but I’m not a techie either.


Hi! Have you tried using a Boolean modifier with an stretched cube as your Boolean object? That could be a quick way of carving out the cut.

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If you dont have big needs:
Create your bishop without the cut.
Duplicate it and give a name to the copy (in my case HighPolyBase), then hide it.
Create a cube for the cut (in my case its name us Cut_shape)
Look at the modifier stack for the original bishop:

If you then have higher needs, then you’ll have to retopo to give it a better topology.

The piece on the left is the same of the right but with all the modifiers applied from top to bottom.
Subsurf is used so high just to give it a good amount of geometry for the boolean, if you want you can separate the head from the body, give to the head the amount of geometry needed, then apply an join the 2 pieces again.

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see these videos for chess pieces

happy bl

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