How to model this kind of seat?

Hi all,
I’d like to model this kind of seats.

The difficult part I can’t understand how to model in an efficient way is that kind of wooden mesh of the seat and seatback.
Anyone know a tip to drive me to the solution?
Thanks in advance.

You could start with a Curve Rectangle… subdivide and change in Curve Data panel to 3d…then rotate to 90, and use 1/2 and rotate to get your 90 seat…
Model the part for your curved covers… after being shaped, you could convert it to Mesh and continue to add your parts…

Though Harder to figure out Geometry Nodes would be a better option!

I think the video will help make chairs.

I think it would be good to solve the pattern part of the chair with the geometry node, but it won’t be an easy process.

If you can’t solve it with geometry nodes, you have to do everything manually.

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Thank you but probably I wasn’t clear before and it’s my fault.
As “wooden mesh” I didn’t mean the wooden around the seat structure… I mean the wooden stripes that connect the inner part of the seatback with the main structure.

I’ve thought at geometry nodes but I really can’t say where to start to do it…
It seems that I have to do it manually…

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I’m not sure I understand exactly which part you are looking for help with… but here’s a start of some kind of chair… maybe. This is just a starting point for one way to approach such a chair – it wouldn’t stand close inspection. In particular, I’m having trouble getting a heavier border around the wicker part.

This method is all done with just the normal modifier stack…

with a particularly simple base-mesh:

The bezier-curve has only 3 control points, but I did adjust the Radii of the 2 points which are at the seat’s Back. (downsized the upper to 0.8, and the lower to 0.9, IIRC).

seatMesh.blend (906.3 KB)

Without using the whole modifier-stack as I’ve done here, maybe partway through this would provide a good starting point for a better Geometry-Nodes implementation. In particular, the normal Wireframe modifier is much less gooderer (sic) than what geomNodes can do with
Mesh_to_Curve → Curve_to_Mesh
with a good Curve_Circle as the profile-curve in Curve_to_Mesh.

You may also (in GN) be able to solve making the outer-rim of wicker heavier, by using the same technique (Mesh_to_Curve → Curve_to_Mesh), but checking for edges which border only 1 face as the “selection” input to a Separate_Geometry node (to get the edge-edges).

I’ll add a better image to explain what I’m looking for.
Meanwhile thank you for your suggestions, I’ve seen something I could try to set me on the right path.

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This (in red)

I think it depends on what the form is. I am starting to think maybe I don’t get something, because every time someone asks a modelling question, I always say, they don’t have enough reference photos… Is it just me? I mean, I’ve been doing 3d for around 17 years now and I model quite a lot and I model a lot of furniture as well and… I would not even start modelling this unless I have clear view of what I am supposed to do. Am I missing some magical technique everybody is using with crappy reference photos? I can’t see what that is in the photo. Are the strips tied, or do they just go in a loop?.. How do they connect to the frame?..

What is this product? How is it called? What’s the manufacturer? Did you look for better reference?

You’re right.
The reference image is quite low on quality but a bit of context could help understand.
I’ve found a nice real house project on an architecture website and I’d like to recreate it modelling everything from scratch, trying to avoid downloaded 3d models and, on the same time, trying to be more compliant with the real project.
So, the reference images are nice and globally quite descriptive but they lack on details and I don’t know the name of the pieces of furniture…so I have to imagine and try to correctly understand measures, finishing and how they’re built.

Particularly, that chairs seems made by a metal structure with wooden like stripes that are tied to the metal structure. On the boundary those stripes envelop the metal, on the seatback and seat, that stripes are stretched around the vertical metal bars, rolled up around the bars and then stretched again to the next, creating a mesh.
At least this is what I think it’s more similar to what I suppose it is. :slight_smile:

Don’t be too afraid to download manufacturer provided 3d models - you will likely have to remodel them anyway. :smiley:

I recommend using reverse image search. With a quick search I can find a similar product:

It seems there are quite a few versions of the chair and I suspect the feet has variations as well, because the one in your reference has bars on the sides as well, but they do make those in different kind of shape and proportion:

Or it might be that it’s not the manufacturer, because all manufacturers copy each other (furniture is often not considered a peace of art and do not get copyright protection)…

You might also be looking at a visualization as your reference and it might not be modeled correctly :smiley:

In any case, I think we can see one reasonable variant of the chair and it’s a lot clearer:

And suddenly it’s getting a lot easier to model…

… or maybe it might be this one:

If you have access to more images from the project, you might get better luck searching for it.


Thank you for your suggestion… I haven’t thought to the image web searching…it seems that chair is something similar to what you’ve found… probable, at the end I’ll do something similar, the overall feeling will be, more or less, the same.

Anyway, the real house is this

As you can see there aren’t so much images of the interiors.
(the next bad guy to model is the kitchen lighting fixture over the table. :slight_smile: )

Better quality images of the same project seem to exist though. That’s a bit of help:

Also, when you find some images… Look at the URL! :smiley:


Hm… I wonder what will happen if I remove that “-scaled”… :smiley: Sometimes it works.

It absolutely does work in this case and the biggest I could get from the authors site, linked by the place you shared was 4724x3149px. :smiley:

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Oh…nice…thank you very much…I’ve downloaded some “not scaled” images but not from the arch studio website.
Thank you very much.

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And also you are technically a “hacker” now since you accessed something that was not publicly available. :smiley: How cool is that?..

Anyway, searching for reference pays off, the way I see it.

:rofl: :rofl:
I hope to not be put in a jail for this…it’s just an hobby… :slight_smile:

Well, searching for reference pays off…but actually I was started modelling too quickly.