How to model this shape please


Could anyone please give me any pointers as to how to create an object in Blender in this shape? It’s the interior engine cover of a Bedford bus but baffles my limited blender skills on how to even start.
That small handle on the top is turned and lifted to pull up the cover / lid so not only is it an odd shape but it’s split into the base part and then the lid part. that can be pulled up.

Any help is appreciated and I’ve tried all sorts of variations.

Thanks for your time,


You just have to trim it little by little from the simple form.
Observe the shape, structure, and coupling of each component carefully.
For symmetrical objects, use Mirror Modifier to reduce working time


Thanks for your reply. Appreciate it.

I couldn’t seem to copy your layout as my plane wouldn’t reshape in the same way. I have mirrored it like you said but still looks a little on the rough side. Will practice more tomorrow.

Thanks again

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Compare it, I’m attaching the file.
test.blend (967.0 KB)

Now you’re just showing off Kim :grin:

Thanks for the example. I removed the subdivision modifier and the mirror modifier to see the basic build. To create it, did you start with a plane, subdivide it and then create the shape by moving individual vertices (and then add the subdivision modifier and mirror) or did you start off with one of the default meshes and adjust that?

Probably very basic for most but that’s the part I can’t seem to get my head around as I spent a few hours last night trying different methods but none really successful. This was made with a plane and there’s obviously a lot more vertices. Once I added the shade smooth and the subdivision modifier it kind of takes the shape but there’s odd shading here and there.

and here’s yours in all its elegance



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There are two very clear ways to model the engine cover: as a geometric object with modifiers, or as a [NURBS] surface. Try them both.

Actually, there are several(!) objects: the engine cover, the handle, the gasket between the engine cover and the base, and the base itself. Each of them are separate, although positionally related. Different modeling techniques could be used for each.

If you are modeling something that is suposed to be smoothed with a subdivision surface you should activate the subdivision modifier preview in edit mode, so you can see the final shape you are getting when moving your vertices.

If you don’t do that you will be always guessing what effect you will have at the end and failing miserably most of the time.


Thanks for all the information. Previous to this the only modelling I’ve done was with the regular meshes and planes so will get onto YouTube and start following some nurbs and curves tutorials.

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I don’t know if the video will help. :slightly_smiling_face:
This video shows how to use Subdivision and Mirror.

Thanks Kim. I watched that one and am working my way through the others. He has a good voice for teaching.

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