This probably has a super simple solution, so excuse the beginner.
I created a blender project - built a bar complete with people and tables and chairs etc…
The problem is I downloaded a bunch of free models to use (the people and furniture) from different places and by default they all ended up in my Downloads folder on my MacBook Pro. I just pulled and used them from there. Now I have a ton of files cluttering my Downloads folder - not sure which I actually used - but I would like to create a Blender Resources folder and just dump them all in that and put that folder somewhere else. I’ve tried just putting them in a folder but then Blender crashes when I try and open the .blend file for the project.
How can I tell Blender to look for all the files in a specific project in a new location?
if you appended the models it shouldn’t matter where the source file came from, linked assets though i don’t think theres a work around other than re linking them from the new location. but if it is causing blender to crash then i suggest copying the file to the new location then re linking from the new location, delete the old linked model then delete the .blend from the downloads folder. there probably is an eisier way but i have no idea what that would be…
Thanks - so when I say they’re “linked”, I don’t mean that I did so in a special linking process. I merely imported the models of characters and furniture etc into my scene. They somehow automatically became referenced from the original location. My .blend project file is NOT in the same folder btw…
Now you mentioned that if the models were “appended” it wouldn’t matter… somewhere in the back of my mind I seem to remember something about this process. How do I do it and will it solve my problem?
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Asset linking can be a big headache if you try to move your files after creating your links. It’s possible to take care of, but the default set in Blender (mostly mucking about in the Libraries view of the Outliner) are pretty bare bones. That said, I think Pablo Vazquez’s Amaranth add-on has some features that can help with this.