How to open the Blender Console window in Ubuntu

I don’t know if this is dependant on 2.76b or the OS, but I don’t see “Toggle console window” under the Window menu as I had seen it before.
I need to see again info showing in a pop up kind of message (which is gone now), for texture files not found while packing.


On Linux there is no console window, because (I guess) of the assumption that anyone who wanted that kind of information would launch the application from a terminal window anyway…:wink:

If you use the downloaded Blender from
Launch the console, “cd” to where you extracted the downloaded Blender file to (in my case e. g.: cd Downloads/Blender/blender-2.76b-linux-glibc211-x86_64) and then launch Blender with ./blender

In case you use some ancient Blender version from the ubuntu repos:
Just launch the console and start blender with blender

On Linux, it’s quite easy to make custom launcher for applications and enable the terminal.

Create a Blender.desktop file and add this text inside:

[Desktop Entry]

This is great!
Thank you so much for sharing guys :slight_smile:


VincentG, I went to a Terminal, opened Gedit with sudo, and created the file you advised. But only looks like this:

It says I am allowed to change the permissions as I’m not the owner (?)
I don’t get it, I guess it wasn’t enough running gedit with sudo :frowning:


@javierdl, running gedit with sudo means you are running it as root, so your file is now owned by root. You want the file to be owned by your login user, not root. To fix it you can run “sudo chown [your username].[your username] .desktop”. :slight_smile:


Thanks Grimm. I just tried it.
It says: chown: missing operand after ‘javier.javier.desktop’

You need a space between your last javier and the .desktop. Basically the first javier is your login name, the second is your group name. The last item is the file you want to change. :slight_smile:

According to this i guess .desktop files having Terminal=true line could be problematic for some Linux users.

This works for Mint and MATE Desktop Environment:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=<b>mate-terminal -e</b> /home/your-user-name-here/your-path-to-unpacked-blender/blender

Change terminal part (in bold) if you use different DE.


Thanks eppo :slight_smile:
I will try that as soon as the above issue is resolved.

Oops, sorry, you need to add a “./” in front of the .desktop, like so:


Or, you are not in your home directory? To be sure you can just type “cd” and enter and you will go to your home directory.



And as you can see on the last command, I was on my home dir :frowning:

The main problem here is that you have used “sudo” when it was not necessary. You should use “sudo” very carefully, and only when you try to modify system files (in your “/home/YOUR_USER/”, sudo is not needed).
While you try to learn the permissions:

you just delete that file that you had created using “sudo gedit filename” with:

sudo rm filename

Again, you be careful with these commands and even more if you use “sudo”. In the previous command, “sudo” was necessary because your user does not have permission to delete the file. The name that you had recommended you for this file was: “Blender.desktop”. So I’m a little confused that you’re writing in the teminal only “.desktop”

Now you re-create that Blender.desktop file again with “gedit”, but this time without using “sudo”.

Yep as Yafu said, it looks like you either created the file in another directory or deleted it at some point. Other wise just recreate the file without sudo as Yafu points out. This might help:

@javierdl I believe you have Gnome; in this case terminal stuff should work properly - use VincentG example.

You could bring on your file manager, open Desktop folder and from file manager menu see if there is Open Terminal Here or something…I have it under “File”.

Also if you can’t open file you created which is owned by root, wasn’t this file called “Blender.desktop”? If it is then in order to change permissions, for you as a user being able to access it without being root in terminal:

cd /home/user_name/Desktop
sudo chown [your username].[your username]  Blender.desktop     

Or, to create a new launcher file:

cd  /home/user_name/Desktop
touch Blender&Terminal.desktop

You’ll have Blender&Terminal.desktop file on your Desktop; drag’n drop it in any text editor to change contents as in above examples, save.

P.S. In case there is some misunderstanding - “.desktop” file : i assumed general desktop launcher type, you have to have name for yours, like “Blend-Term.desktop” where Blend-Term is what you see under some icon you assign inside the file.
i see in your attempts a lot of “.desktop” used, post #12 e.g., without file name which is not correct imho.

Thank you so much for your help guys! And Happy New Year!

Sorry to be so late replying.