How-to? pattern as material/texture, clothings

Hello there,

It’s me again.
Be it with a repeatable pattern or just lines, I have a problem. Imagine a dress with verticale lines. Whatever the way I do it, it always ends with weird difformations. Be it vertical or horizontal lines, it ends with rafters(?).
Edges positions in texture mapping and playing with seams helps, sewing clothes too but it still ends so-so.
Is there a way to avoid weird deformations or to limit it using nodes?

What’s your current node setup? Can you show some screenshots?

Honestly it was mostly random tests.
I currently just used either image node or wave node connected to the BSDF without anything special. The very basic. I’ve tried to play a little with vector math or math but it was worst, leading me to give up.

Example? And what is the approach used to model the clothes?
Keep in mind real life clothes are sown from any number of completely flat patterns. If the stripes/geometry is within the cutting pattern, there is usually no way to line up all sewing edges perfectly and keeping the pattern orientation.

I.e. don’t think seamless for things that should have obvious seams. If sculpting, clean up the mesh and try to add UV seams and use live unwrap to see how the UV islands have stretched areas. Using subdiv surfaces there are some advanced options you can play with too that may help in some cases.

I prefer to start with flat panes and sew them together. That way I have a relatively decent UV layout from the start. But my clothing is very basic and something I’m not very happy to do - as in I suck at it.

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I’ve tried two ways :

  • 3d model without sewing, only mark seam, unwrap and editing UV
  • unsing sewing and shape keys but it ends with holes, sewing doesn’t adjust properly and shape keys still let many flaws and deformations.

My dream is to reach something as clean as possible than Marvelous Design result but there’s always somethings off. And I had hope I could adjust x and y with nodes since editing UV point by point takes age.

Isn’t MD always based on sewing though?

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The first method should work, that’s at least how I’d do it.
But, as said, if you want a better answer provide a simple test file that shows how you do it. Try something so we see what you’re doing and what bothers you and then lets work on that .

If you want people to spend time helping you, it’s best to make it easy for them. Unless you just want a quick answer and look for yourself the specifics.

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Typically, the problem is similar to this :

x and y “rotate” and deform. Do nodes allow/provide a way to fix this behavior?

Hi there, I’m not at my rig now, but if you want even upward distribution, maybe check other types of coordinates.
Object - play with the Z rotation on a mapping node
Position - I guess :grin:
You should be able to solve it pretty simple, if I understood the problem.
If not, please elaborate, and I can check soon when I heat up my magic Blender cauldron :joy:

I don’t know if I can trust witchcrafts, but it worth a try. Thanks for the hint.
Let’s see if the magic works.

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Well… I’m far to pose a threat to Merlin, I’m not even a challenger, it looks like I’m pretty bad at magic.
I can get horizontal lines but when I try to play with rotations… vertical lines always end with herringbones(?)…