Configure Output Paintmap Layer and or Wetmap Layer
Switch to Mesh Object Data properties tab
Activate Vertex Color
Switch back to Physics properties tab
Activate workbench vertex color type
Weight Paint:
Add material
Configure material to display weights
Switch viewport to Lookdev or rendered mode in EEVEE/Cycles.
I’m interested in the Weight Paint bit- how do you ’ Configure material to display weights '? I’ve tried an attribute node colour & factor outputs, either direct into a principled BSDF, or via a colour ramp, but see nothing after baking the Dynamic paint.
The DP Weight map seems to bake out, and seems to influence smoke sort of correctly, it doesn’t do such a good job with particles (used for density), but that could be my setup, or the fact that I can’t ‘see’ the weight map.
Edit: It does work for particles if you use Monseiur Merle’s method of masking out the DP Weight painted part of the canvas (, then emitting particles from that. It does not seem to work using the DP Weight map for particle density, like a hand painted weight map will work for particle emission.
Should the DP Weight map work for particle density or do you have to use the mask+weight edit modifier method to get the effect of particles emitting from the weight painted areas only?
The technique showed into video stopped to work in 2.79.
Weight group preview works in 2.79.
But weight groups acting on particles are only evaluated for first frame. And emission of particle is no more sensible to their animation.
EEVEE or Cycles are not able to display vertices weights. You can not have a material displaying weights.
We could think of DP using Image Sequences as particle textures.
But particle textures are not handling that, too. They were designed for one image to handle the whole particle system animation.
So, you would have to blend all images of sequence into one.
But particles textures time & space mapping seems to be broken, too.
So, they is no way to achieve that, easily, in 2.80 by using default particles.
Maybe some addons don’t encounter same problems. But default particles are not as good as they were.
Thanks for the replies guys; still none the wiser!?!..
I agree, it mostly looks quite broken in 2.8 preview wise, I shall have to keep looking.
Meanwhile- I’ve just worked out how to use all your GPUs when rendering Eevee scenes- shall make a thread and link here… Render Eevee animations N times faster
I believe it’s still a no; you can’t preview it. I got this answer about using vertex paint as an intermediate that cycles can access on stack-exchange-
On the question: how do you ‘Configure material to display weights’ ? I believe it’s coming up in a future build. In the mean time, there’s a deeply cunning solution here – Robin Bettsyesterday
So as it stands it works in 2.8, you just have no way to preview it. I say it works as I’ve used it to spawn particles for smoke in Mantaflow 2.81 like so-
The object hilighted is using a DP weight map through it’s modifiers to emit particles for smoke from where a fractured object hits the ground.
But you have to bake it and do the ‘vertex weight edit’ and ‘mask’ modifier thing to finally ‘see’ it!
Thank you for answer. It’s interesting, because particles by vertex group doesn’t work in new project. Old files opens and works still I do not change something. It’s a pity. Will wait 2.81 version.