How to produce material ID masks for color correction in Fusion

Hello , I am new in Blender and Cycles and I am coming from 3ds max and Vray. My workflow in the past was to render my images or animations, produce Multimatte elements masks( Red, Green, Blue) and then use them for colour correction in Fusion or Photoshop.
With Cycles I am struggling to understand how to create Material ID masks. I checked that with cryptomattes i could achieve what i want but inside bleder compositing.
Is there any simple way to create material id masks together with the main render that works good in other compositing software’s ?

I am afraid that i replaced my old workflow in max/vray successfully apart from this last step and if i dont find solution i need to go back and render everything in Vray.

Thank you in advance

You lost me there…you want ID Mask in Blender to export to other software, that works with compositing software from other software, but if you can’t do it in Blender, you would do it in Vray anyway?

There happens to be a Video that was just listed in the news yesterday ON a Shader Color Mask, all within Blender…It won’t work outside of Blender…

Maybe that will help, I have no idea what you want…Saving out Cryptomat data in a Multi-Layer EXR is the usual way to send it out to other software like Photoshop…

Hi @RSEhlers thank you for spending time to support me in this topic.

This is not what I was asking and I need to apologize if I didn’t explain correct what i was looking for for.

I was looking to export the cryptomattes in Fusion and do my colour correction.

I found a plugin in fusion (cryptomatte) that can help me do what I want.

This video is very interesting though and I will take it as a bonus tip :slight_smile:

Thank you very much and I wish you all the best !!!


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