How to remove noise?

hello there, does some one know how to get rid of the extra noise thats appearing in my render, i use blender octane iv been stuck on this on issue for 2 days, a quick solution would be wonderful thank you. here are my setting, i know its something quicjki just havent thought of it

here are my settings :

Please make a separate topic for your question in the correct category (Lighting and Rendering ), since it has nothing at all to do with extruding edges along normals.

(Thanks for the move!)

I moved the topic.

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thank you

Here are some settings you could try to change. Not necessarily noise related, but might lead to better results overall.

*) Ray Epsilon might be able to go lower … about 0.0001. But you will have to try.
*) GI Clamp should be higher. Something between 10 and 100. I usually use 100.
*) Be careful with coeherent ratio. If you see some weird splotches, go back to 0.
*) Noise threshold seems high. I would go down to 0.01 and also lower the Min. value to 128 or 256.

As for the noise. Are you using the Denoiser? That should help. You can also blend it with the noisy result for a bit more of an organic look.

thank you very much, will be working on it now, will keep you posted, also i just started seeing the msg on the end of my renders you would know what “No Net GPU’s” might mean

thank you, Derick

Not sure. But probably related to network rendering.