How to render a background with a transparent environment hdri

Hi there , my prbl is wen i putt transparent on , so my object wil still get light from hdri , tis is what i want , but than wen i pres n and add a image under the background images tab , it wil not show wen i press f12 , not while il render , not wen render is done , all i get is my object that catches light from hdri and a transparent background.

The only time it shows the image, is working on it in solid view or render view, and only wen i select camera under both views.
Any idea plz let me know, i look on youtube , all is there but not my problem or solution.
Thx in advance.

Background images in viewport never show up in render. You need to make a node setup where you have a HDR to light your scene (or show up in reflections) and then for camera rays to display your background image.
As you can see in the screenshot below I’m using a HDR for everything but camera rays. Camera rays display the other texture

Hi cdog
thx for the fast response, i wil try this node out i am stil noob on this part and some other parts of blender :slight_smile: , just to give you a better look of the prbl il add picture

this is how it looks with hdr and transparent off in render view

this is how it looks wen hdr active and transparent on in render view and is what i want for my render

and this is all i get wen render out whole image

now let me try that node setup of yours :-).

Hi there i stil have a bad time to get there , il give link to download the .blend file , hdr , and background image its a .rar file no password on it , So if some one can setup this node for me :star_struck: il go nuts and thank you 1000x :wink:
download wil expire in 2 days.

The background images section of the n-panel is only used to add references to your scene. The pictures displayed this way can’t be rendered.

The easiest way to get the picture you want in the rendered version of your scene is to add it as a texture mapped plane and re-position it to face the camera. This is easy to do using the import images as planes addon. Go to File > User Preferences > Add-ons, search for images as planes, and enable it.

Alternatively, you can use cdog’s node setup. The link to the blend file you posted expired, so I’ll just recreate it and send you that blend file instead:example.blend (7.3 MB)

Thx , your setup was all i needed , cdog is right to , i think but i failed to set that one up :sweat_smile:
thanks 1000x to both you for your response time and help :v: