How to render composite?

This is embarrassing, and my searches are not bringing up what must be a very basic methodology…

But how do I render my composite?

I have a new .blend file in which I am creating a new composite. I am not rendering in this scene, just bringing in a sequence that was rendered in another blend file. But when I try to render out my file output node (hitting the render animation button) all it does is render the default cube. I just want to render my composite. How do I go about doing that?


…and… Use Nodes is enable in the compositor and your Image Sequence node is connected to the Composite output node… ??

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

Aha! You figured it out by asking a question! I had the File Output plugged in correctly, but the composite node still had the Render Layers plugged into it.

Thanks so much!