How to retopo a scultped wall?

What’s the best and fastest method to retopo a wall like this:

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You could duplicate it, add a Remesh modifier to fuse it into one object, then apply that and QuadRemesh it, then maybe shrinkwrap it back to the original object to make sure it’s as close to the original as possible. This might wind up being a bit sloppy and have a ton of excess geo you’d need to clean up. You could also just decimate it as well. And finally with this simple of a model you could almost just be remodeled from scratch TBH.

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It is not difficult if the default form is a box.

  1. Replicate the shape of the Sculpting object using the Multires and Shrinkwrap modifiers.

  2. The Shrinkwrap modifier applies. This saves the form in the Multires modifier.

  3. Baker using the Multires modifier.

  4. Replicate the Multires modifier to lower the level to make it low-poly.
    And apply the Baker material made in 3.

daD.blend (4.4 MB)

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This would be very simple and fast to do manually. It’s basically just a few boxes.
Also, easy to unwrap and add extra edgeloops or even a bevel modifier after the fact.

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