how to rig a multistage (double/triple/etc) piston?


i cannot find a thread or post concerning double working pistons, let alone triple…

but i cannot figure out how to rig them, i can rig a normal one… but the middle part of the double piston confuses the hell out of me, does anyone have experience with this or know how to properly do this?

pistons.blend (1.04 MB)

i made some progress using a tutorial video i found elsewere on these forums:

alas, it was probably done with an earlier version then 2.69 however, this since i can get the movement to work, but the object(s) the bone is linked to also stretches/scales as the bone moves and stretches…

is there a way to fix this?

heres a updated .blend file of the current situation:
pistonsV2.blend (905 KB)

How about this setup? No stretching involved at all. Piston.blend (474 KB)

that works the way it should, though it is not very flexible, for i cannot move the base around without the top messing up its location…

is the stretching not effective then? i hoped it would be a simple fix for im not good with bones and i like the flexibillity of the setup my first single piston has…
i will play around with those though…

Oops. Insufficient testing before sharing. The Copy Location constraint on Section3 is totally unnecessary and just screws things up. Just set the Limit Location on the other axes to 0. Like so: Piston.blend (470 KB)

That said, I’m working on another idea where you’ll be able to control the direction and extension of the whole thing from the business end (i.e. Section3 or some target bone in front of it). Hang on and we’ll see how that turns out…

ok, thank you :smiley:

however, dont make it to complicated, or give me a good breakdown for i am a total noob/beginner with riggin and bones…
im having a fit with a simple tube right now for example (which follows the piston for example :stuck_out_tongue: ) which as far as i know should only use the tube 2 bones and an empty for it to bend properly… ah well i really appreciate your help…

K horseman, did i offend you somehow? if so, i am sorry i did not mean anything as offensive or otherwise harmful…

No, I just haven’t been around and haven’t had time to get back to this. Busy weekend. I’m not sure if I’ll have time to do it today either. Sorry!

no haste, i was just worried i may had offended you…
the project where i was using these pistons is on hold until i am a bit better, currenntly building a large scene now to learn more of blender and cycles :slight_smile: in general.