How to rig the Knee Controller?

Screenshot from 2020-03-23 11-31-28

I am following these great series of Rigging tutorials from Royal Skies LLC. But although he creates the Knee Controller, he does not rig it. Maybe I’m supposed to rig it the same way he rigs the heel?
To rig the heel, he added an Inverse Kinematics bone constraint to the previous bone (shin). Hence effectively associating the heel to the shin.
So does that mean that I should add an Inverse Kinematics bone constraint to the previous bone (hip)?

Update -
Actually, maybe the only purpose of the kneeIK.L bone is to be a Pole Target. And not a knee controller. Is this right?
Therefore it is not meant to move (?)

HI, yes it is the pole target and it will control the knee sideways movements.

Thank you digitvisions :slight_smile:
Indeed, I was able to move it, just like the one for the elbow. Now I have a better understanding of its purpose.