Hi everyone, well the question may not be specific but I don’t know how to rigg properly this model.
I made the model with a course I bought, but the result of the course was just a render picture. (Not complaining tho, i just want more lol) This is my first model and like my first serious encounter with blender so I’m very new to more professional things? Like I knew the basics and the modes so I’m not that lost
The thing is, I want to also use this model to make animations, like walking, running, etc.
But I guess the riggify method doesn’t let me edit the rigg too much, such as changin the ears or give physics to the clothing because i tried to add more bones to the metarig and when i generate the rig doesn’t make the controls for those extra bones. (Or I just did it the wrong way :c ) The only extra thing I could add was the tail because I took it from the bone samples.
So, In the picture I wrote the thing that I want to have physics, mostly the long clothes, the others I already attached to the body and works decent. I kinda know the concept of bones work and I know the clothes should have it’s own bones, but I don’t know how to add them and atacch them to the body, like example when y move the arm the sleeve moves too.
I know the question might be difficult to answer so If you have a tutorial that could help me it’s also appreciated <3 (Btw, I already made the retopology to the character and is also painted!)
Just in case, I also know that rigging and weight painting it’s difficult and takes time, but I don’t really mind and I’m more than willing to learn how to do it.