How to save file browser sorting method as default? BL4.1

They still doesnt fix this and eact time you create new file, the sorting method will set to its default method - “by date”.
No you cant set to to whatever you want and save “Startup file” it will change sorting anyway.

In 3.1 hopefully was an addon for setting default sort order
but its no longer work in 4.1

If we change sorting order on info we can see:
bpy.context.space_data.params.sort_method = ‘FILE_SORT_ALPHA’
Which is “sort by name”
But is there any way to run such command aitomatically after starting blender/opening file browser?

I don’t understand. :thinking:

I’m using blender 4.1, and even if I set the alignment and close it, it stays the same.
This is the same until you change it, and you don’t need options like saving additional settings.

It would be changed again to “by date” after you restart blender.

It works fine for me.
I don’t know the cause. In this case, you can try factory reset.

Back up your existing settings and perform a factory reset.

File browsing settings only get remembered over Blender restarts if Auto-Save Preferences is enabled. That’s a limitation of how it’s implemented (as part of Preferences storage).

Some operations also override the customized settings, e.g. Recover > Auto Save… always sorts by modification date to show most recents first, in some cases browsing for images always opens in preview display mode, etc. But most operations use the last used settings.

Yup, that works, thanks! :slight_smile:

I didnt remember why exactly, but i disable Auto-Save Preferences and always push it manually.
As i understand Auto-Save Preferences are acting the same way if i will manually press “save preferences” after any changes in UI, hotkeys, etc. right?