How to select reverse UV in blender like maya?

Hair baking AO needs to face outward, how to quickly select the reversed UV in blender or plug-in? (shown as red UV in maya), it seems that the flipped UV cannot be viewed in blender.

The (shipped with) Magic UV addon has a feature Select UV → Flipped… See: docs.blender manual addons uv magic_uv select-uv.


Thanks!!! :grin:

Edit mode > Select one face or vertex > Face select mode, or Vertex select mode > Select Menu > Select Similar > Normal.
Or Hotkey Shift-G > Normal.
You will have to invert with Ctrl-i to get the opposite.

To see the normal direction use the Overlay Dropdown in the 3d window and Activate Face Orientation (Blue/Red colors) or Normals (Short lines)