How to select similar faces?

I really have question, about how to select similar faces or edges at the same time. Im using blender for three years, but i didnt find anything similar on this forum or in the blender pages on internet. For example i want to select similar faces on the model of mesh- just triangles or circles, which are actually the same. Anyone knows the hint?
It took me 1h to select this.:rolleyes:



In the future, please post your questions about using blender on one of the following areas:

You can go to the face selection mode in edit mode, and go to the bottom menu “SELECT” and from there you will find “Triangles”. The hotkey for this is ctrl+alt+shift+3 .
Also quads can be selected.

I hope this helps you. Not sure if it is the thing you’re looking for.

Thank’s for the hint. I tried, but it its not working

Ideasman42 (aka Campbell Barton or Cambo) wrote a script to do this a while back; it was called Select Similar or some such. However I can’t find my copy, and his website is gone. Perhaps you could pm him here and request the script?

Thank u for help and all hints, becouse this helped me to found out the answer. Acctually, no script is needed. I just found out. First u have to select few similar faces, then u just use SHIFT+G and then at Verts…Same Face Users. Its very easy. I will make maybe a video tutorial and post it on google.

Have nice blending,


It seems there is also a lot of other options in face mode.

it is in cvs or rc builds. in edit mode - Shift G, also in pop-up select menu “Group from selection”. Different options whether you are in face, edge, or vert selection mode.

Please use the support forums. Thanks.