How to separate HDRI light path

I’m trying to separate the light path outputs from my scene world lighting (HDRI), to apply changes to each ray type, and recombine them. Here is the raw HDRI Output:

See my node setup at the bottom, I have a more complex node group that separate each light path and recombine them together (I’ll post it at the end), but to simplify my question, I’ll only use a simplified setup.

What I look for, is the source (light path) of the very defined shadows on the floor. Here what the diffuse looks like:

The shadows are much less defined.
Here is Glossy:

Here is when I combine them with an “add shader”: image
The shadows are there, kinda, but not as defined as the untouched HDRI. Here is for comparision:

I feel like I’m not understanding something, I played around but found no light path that create the sharp shadow on the floor. As I understand, the reflection path is a path that regroup diffuse and glossy.

Here is for reference the node group I’m working on:

What am I missing?

What you probably are looking for is direct light. Test for Ray Depth = 1.

Raw HDRI (desaturated):

With ray depth added top the mix:

That works man! So to make sure I understand, the ray depth with a maximum of 1 is ray that bounced only 1 time before reaching the light source?

Thanks a lot! Have a great day!