i made a fountain in blender, but the animation is far to fast. how do i slow it down without touching the settings i use already to get the correct shape?
Edit the animation curve in the F-Curve editor.
how do i do that? there ins’t a keyframe in the scene.
Maybe one of these?:
1: turn down the normal settings under Velocity - this affects how fast the particles emit from the mesh
2: Turn up the dampening (damp) under physics > Newtonian - this seems to effect particles like gravity
I know what you’re saying.
Modifying just the velocity or any one parameter doesn’t modify the speed of the animation. It would be impractical to try and tweak all of the physics parameters to simulate slow motion.
In the Physics panel in the Particle settings is a value labeled Timestep. Lowering it slows down the overall simulation speed, and increasing it makes it faster. This affects everything at once as if taken with a high or low fps camera.
In Blender 2.49 there was a channel called Time, which could be used on anything. It made modifying animation speeds much easier and even allowed particle systems to run backwards. I’m really, really upset that it was removed, because I depended on it for many things.
Seems odd, but there is no way to freeze particle time in Blender 2.5. You are correct, in 2.49 is was possible, in 2.5 it appears to be not.
Here is a 2.49 example that shows the particle system coming to a stop, then resuming. If you open this with 2.5 you will see the a the time IPO gets converted to a f-curve with <no path> as it’s name.
right so hoping that this is possible in 2.6, and this is not yet possible?
anybody know how to make slow motion particles in latest blender version (2.63)?? i’ve got problem with emitters guided by curve, i want them to slow down in moment for few seconds but i can’t find how to do it.
The speed of water shooting up and falling has to do with physics of gravity. You need to set the gravity lower. Water will fall slower. Also, you need to recalibrate Emitter Normal force to control how high the fountain will shoot up.