How to snap clothes on outside character

Dears, I followed the following:

  1. Imported my character from make human.
  2. Added a plane. Moved it to center.
  3. Split it into half. Removed left half.
  4. Enabled mirror.
  5. In view display enabled in front.
  6. Enabled snap to face.
  7. Added shrink modifier.
  8. Extruded the tshirt along the character.
  9. Now when I disable “in front” in view display, tshirt seems to be below the character mesh :frowning:

I thought with snapping to face and shrink it will over the character…

Now what are the options I have other than manually pull out all the vertices…

Need help.

In the shrink wrap modifier adjust the offset until the surface is just above the character model.

In shrinkwrap instead of “On Surface” choose “Above Surface”, then it will try to be above it by default.

Tried these didn’t help… Finally ended up redoing by copying body mesh faces and create tshirt out of it. Usual duplicate, separate and cleanup.