How to stop mesh from stretching using simple deform

Hey guys,

Trying to recreate this image from a ManvsMachine video

I recreated the effect by using an Array and Simple modifier on a curve. How do I stop the parts circled in red from stretching? I want to keep them as round as possible.

This is what it looks like from another angle.

Problem comes to the fact that Bevel profile is applied because of Array modifier, before SimpleDeform.
You have to suppress bevel depth, use array modifier with a constant offset and Simple Deform with just non-extruded curves.
Then, you can apply modifiers by converting object to mesh.
Then, you have to reconvert mesh into a Curve object.
Then, you can reset a bevel depth.

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Thanks man I appreciate the help! I’m quite an amateur when it comes to 3D, do you have a simpler explanation on how do I recreate what you just mentioned?

Your curve object is thick because you changed its Bevel Depth into Geometry panel of Object Data Properties tab.

That is the last thing you should do.

So, you have to reset the Bevel Depth setting to 0. Your curve is now just a line.

Array modifier was probably using a Relative Offset based on thickness of curve.
Now, without thickness, all instances are at same position.
You need to deactivate Relative Offset of modifier and use a Constant Offset, instead.

Then, to apply Array modifier and Simple Deform modifier, you need to convert curve object into a mesh object.
So, Open Object Menu > Convert to and click on Mesh from Curve/Meta/Surface/etc…
Then, Open same menu but click on Curve from Mesh/Text.

Now, you can specify a Bevel Depth. The result is harmonious. There is no more modifier to deform it.

Thank you! It now works perfectly! plus I got to learn a few neat tricks :slight_smile: