How to tile a wall with rectangular tiles

I am pretty new to Blender, but I seem to be struggling with something which I thought would be pretty simple.

I have a tile texture image

I’d like to tile a wall with this but also have grout/mortar in between. Also I would like to keep it to real world measurements of the tiles as much as possible (they are 60cmx30cm)

I’m struggling quite a bit with this, I thought first I’d use a brick texture node but I have no idea how to make each brick use the tile texture.

Could somebody please help me :slight_smile:

Welcome :tada: ,
this is a bit vague… there are tiled textures for example for games. Those can be in a lower and in a higher density. And there are realstic procedural texture material and everthing inbetween. So do you want to use this nontileable texture to make something with a painting program or want to mix something with brick textures or do you really wanna do something like a texture generation program a la texture designer, material maker or texture lab… or just use blender… and the measurements are all to you,

Thanks @Okidoki

Basically I’m trying to model an apartment in blender and would like to tile the bathroom :laughing:

So that texture is an image of an actual real-world tile which I’d like to tile across a wall with grout of course. I am trying to make a material to do this.

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(That’s again somekind of vague like in the sims or architectural render… just a random found here on BA: Bathroom )… and you don’t want every tile having the same texture… I think it’s best to search for: blender 3D bathroom tiles or something like that to have a look at some of the tutorials out there or/and look at for example this one (or any other) just to have a look at the setup… (if you wanna learn and not just use…)

That’s the thing though, I can find loads of tutorials on how to make procedural tiles, but I would like to use that image I posted as the tile image - that’s the whole tile so yes it would be repeated (it’s an actual image of a ceramic tile I would like to buy)

Sorry about being vague, sometimes it’s hard to know what info to post - I’m trying to model an actual real life apartment - not for a game or anything, just planning for a real world remodel. That’s why I would like to use images or real ceramic tiles on the walls and floor etc. They are usually all the same so the repetition is not a problem, but I can’t figure out how to place them in a material to repeat with the proper size and grout in between…

Quick one: You may have a look here; just imported as plane (addon) a little inset an move z up and array modifier… to maybe have a start (not the best way to go) :
TileArray.blend (118.6 KB)

Thanks @Okidoki!

Yeah it’s kind of the way I chose to go at the moment, but it has some disadvantages like having to jump through some hoops to apply the arrays and then cut out the necessary sizes, as well as having to model the tiles and a grout panel separately.

Which is why I was hoping there was an easier/better way to use a material and a brick node or something…

You make me thinking to much :wink: that’s your job. Open a image editor, double the height, copy the image to the empty place, shift half of width to left, again to right, save: Thats your tiling… Want a 2/3 offset… repeat with 2/3. Goto shadder editor select shader tope Ctrl-t, then maybe G, move to the left, open new tiles floo image, goto mapping node, set to texture, selct X Y set 4 5 whatever to get more tiles on a simple plane…mayeb add some mortar on first image border… repeat (or think about adding one with nodes) or draw in between new one…
Edit: dam…now you got me: setting the mapping type to texture doesn’t do the trick… what was it for the old repeat image…???
Edit2: ahh setting the image node to repeat (clip, extend,repeat)

hahaha I’ll give it a try :laughing:

Although I don’t need any offset - a normal grid of tiles is fine - kind of like this…

And this are you telling men now… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :wink:

Oops soorrryyy

you can use the brick texture as a mask to blend between 2 materials:


Nice idea! It get’s me close, but I guess I would still have to put the offset for the grout into the texture?

Also, did you unwrap your cube or something? My texture is being placed as a square on my cube, even though the image is a rectangle…

Here is how I’d approach it:

Each tile offsets where the lookup on the texture is, but the only visible repeat mitigation is random rotation of the texture. The random color from the white noise is also used to modify the normal orientation just slightly - this is something that would be very visible on things like mirror tiles - it’s impossible to lay them perfectly flat.


This is great @CarlG! Pretty much exactly what I had in mind. I’m gonna have to play with it a bit to understand it though :slight_smile:

I notice that the tiles kind of measure out from the middle. Would you say just placing a mapping node on the Texture Coordinates Object and manipulating that is the way to make it look like it’s starting from a corner?

No I think what Carl has done is given the texture an offset for each brick.
As your texture is not seamless the seams show up in different places.

With Blenders standard brick texture there is no UV “per” brick to map the texture.

Luckily there is a brilliant little addon by LazyDodo that does give you a UV map per brick (+ more brick patterns).

With a setup like this you can map your tile texture (or any other image) completely on each brick.

All_Bricks_the_same_Image.blend (177.0 KB)

The file uses Brick Tricks so you have to download and install the addon for it to work. I did not pack the image you will have to load it into the image node.

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Wow thanks @DNorman I’ll try it out asap

In your case the texture is somewhat abstract and another thing you could do is to edit it and make it seamless, (then use the offset method.)
But there are cases where you may need to map the same pattern to each brick like this:

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Just grabbed your plane and added it as color to inputs of a Brick node…also sent to a bump node for height…