How to undo my defaults?

T worked my blender model and just pressed all the buttons and I think that Ctrl + U did trick =) now everytime I open my blender, my work pop up. I tried to undo it with alt + U but it didn’t seem to work… How I can get that simple scene back again!?

Goto the folder that blender is installed in, open the folder .blender and delete the .B.blend file (this is what stores the user settings so if deleted will be back to default).

Thanks! that was really helpful

What if there is not a .B blend file? I downloaded Blend2POV and use the program bundled with that, and it does not have this file…

You can also just delete everything (a, x, yes) and then save the defaults again. Or set up the scene however you want and save the defaults. (I had an example of a UV unfolded cube in there until I overwrote it :))