How to unhide all bones? Alt+H doesn't work, bone collection doesn't work

As the title said, the only way i can solve this is to unhide the bones one by one. everything should already be unhidden (and focused) in the bone collection but it still won’t show in object mode.

here i enabled all the eyes and it still doesnt show

the bones only shows up in edit mode, so the only way i solve it currently is just to unhide the bones one by one by selecting the bone in edit mode and then uncheck the hide toggle in viewport display. i can’t Alt+click it for some reason, it doesn’t do anything.

i posted the video in the forum too here

The star icon in the bone collection view is to ‘solo’ the bones in that view.

Even if you have the eye enabled for different collections, if you have any collection set to solo, then it won’t show the bones from other collections.

If any star is enabled, then only collections that also have the star will be shown.

In normal working mode, I would keep all the stars disabled, then use the eye to show and hide the ones that I want to see.

The star is still useful to quickly isolate a few bones, without needing to go and hide all the other collections.

In short:

  • Turn off all the stars
  • Enable the eye for the collections that you want to see
  • Alt-H to show any bones that have been hidden individually.
  • Use Alt-H in edit and pose mode, as the two modes have their own memory for which bones have been individually hidden.

not sure if you already see the picture i put in there but i already turn off all the stars and it still doesn’t show up. (i did mention that i enabled all the eyes too)

also i already pressed alt+H in edit mode + object mode and it still doesn’t show everything (the video in reddit)

Object mode will show the same bones that are visible in pose mode. In object mode, Alt-H will show and hide objects as a whole. Not the individual bones.

You need to unhide them in Edit mode and also Pose mode.

i guess i panicked there… pressing tab instantly put it into object mode instead and when i alt+h it didn’t show up.

tried it in pose mode and it worked… i feel so stupid

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It’s easy enough to get turned around, and not be quite sure what’s happening. :slight_smile:

I’ll often organize my bone collections inside each other. Then wonder why the visibility isn’t working for one of the ‘child’ collections. (spoiler, it’s because the parent collection is disabled).