How to use a different HDRI for lighting and background when using windows

I am trying to use a different HDRI for the background to the HDRI I am using for lighting.
Even although I am using the same HDRI for both, I want the actual lighting to be stronger than what I see out the windows.

I’ve followed some tutorials but when there are windows, things get more complicated. It works when I am outside but as I look through the window, the original HDRI is shown.

Thank you so much for your help,

Yeah its no cameraray anymore, you could

  • Revert the Worldsetup to default with just one EnvTex
  • Add a large sphere with a shader where you add your second environment texture and lead it directly into the materialoutput.
  • Change the SphereObjects RayVisibibility to Camera only.

I don’t know exactly what you want.
The Multiple nodes can mix what is visible on the glass.

Thank you.

All my views are looking out the window but for some reason it always takes the light source to show when looking out the window, not the HDRI I am using for the background image.

I will test out your node setup,
Thank you

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It worked!
Thank you so much