How to use a shape to make an edge on another?

Hi again. This time hopefully I’ll explain this well enough.

Shape A is the reference shape that I want the edge to be. Shape B is the shape I want to create it on.

Yes, I know about the Boolean Modifier, but for my purposes I don’t think it’ll work.

Knife project?

Is B flat or sloped?
Why do you think Boolean is not good enough? The resulting messy topology?

Apart from boolean, live boolean (my phrase, meaning Ctrl-F > Intersect (boolean)) or knife project - you really only have delete the 4 relevant B faces and fill out from the A object.

I mean, Doesn’t really matter, just need to create an edge where the cylinder is. I don’t wanna use boolean because I need to be able to take it out of blender, and I’m not sure how to create geometry after using boolean.

I tried but I don’t think I know how to use it properly. How do I do it?

Apply Modifier

Apply before exporting to make it real. A lot of the time booleans should just be applied anyhow.

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Edit Mode. Mesh Menu > knife project > right click on 'Knife Project" > Online Manual. It takes you straight to the correct Manual page…

To use Knife Project, first in Object Mode select the objects to be cut, then switch to Edit Mode and select the cutting objects in the Outliner (Ctrl-LMB), and finally choose Mesh ‣ Knife Project.

I do not want to seem rude, but, my friend, you really need to upgrade your research skills. Yes there is a huge amount to learn. That is why using the manual is so important.

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