How to use alpha Textures in Blender

Is it possible to use Alpha texture in Blender. If yes then how can i use it. A guy made this using alpha Texture in Substance painter.

So is it possible to make ornamental design using Alpha texture with the reference given above image. Plz reply in detail with example and not just giving tips. Any suggestion or help. Thanks

depend how you start it with alpha ?
do you mean an alpha map - to make bump map?

could also use an alpha texture and paint it
but not very precise !

or could use Dynatopo to sculpt it and then retopo

happy bl

So you want someone to do it and show you how they did it? Why not just look into how to unwrap our mesh and how to paint a texture? Alpha brushes are not magic on their own, the work is aligning the UVs correctly in the unwrap stage so that you can paint them and have them wrap nicely around the object. I suggest to paint in the 2d UV Image Editor here since trying to paint in the 3d view will cause distortion in the view projection.

We don’t yet have a nice way to properly wrap a paint stroke around an object in the 3d view while painting there, respecting the surface normal. I am hopeful we will see it later.

Well i don’t have much knowledge about the bump map or alpha texture. I want to learn how the above image is made with the substance painter can i do the same with the same result seen above. Thanks