How to use file output comp node in blender 2.63 rc 1 ???

Hi all,

I would like to know how to use file output node in the compo module to output an exr from a tiff sequence or other format ?

Here a screenshot :

I not found any controler in the output file to do it.

Thanks in advanced,


ps : my goal is to use blender also in only compositing mode without had the primary render scene inside :wink:

What do you see when you click on the Output node and press N-key for properties?

Hi 3pointEdit,

I saw this :

So now, I found the node option, but if I press F12, it creates the directory but no file inside. What I missed ? I’m quite new to Blender.



You need to fill in the base path (where to keep various renders) AND the file path (for various renders).

Oki, it’s work !!! I understand how use it.

Thank you,


In addition, note the MultiLayer file format, which is a public extension of OpenEXR which provides many different named layers of output in a single high-precision numeric formatted file. The file-input node makes each of these layers available as separate outputs. Very handy for any sort of multi-step rendering workflow.

I do everything out to one of these two file-formats, including the “finished shot,” only then taking the additional steps of producing “distribution files” in whatever image- or movie-file format may be called for. In this way, nothing of the painstakingly-produced digital information is ever truly lost or “compressed away.” (In fact I tend to keep multiple versions of things … disk space is cheap now.)