I’m trying to use a blend texture with size influence on my particle system. I want my particles to start small and then big over their lifetime.
As you can see, the cutoff moves as the animation goes. I don’t have any keyframed values.
I’d like the cutoff to be fixed relative to the emitter. How can I achieve that? What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
February 10, 2022, 4:15pm
I hope I understood you correctly.
If you want it like in the video then do it without texture.
Animate the Scale of your object.
If you mean scale the instanced object, I’m pretty sure it would scale all he particles equally, regardless of age. I want them to all scale individually depending on their age
February 10, 2022, 4:28pm
It’s really hard to tell from your video what’s actually happening.
Maybe this will help you.
Sorry If my video is confusing. I forgot to mention that I am using Eevee, so the Particle Info node used in your video is not an option. Thanks anyway
February 11, 2022, 7:43am
You don’t need the Particle Info Node, it is only for the Fade Out.
I don’t know why your cutoff is moving, in this example everything stays still.
particle.blend (101.4 KB)
Oh yes, my bad. That video is exactly the way i’m trying to do it for the fade in. I also don’t know why mine is moving
February 11, 2022, 8:40am
Does the particle.blend file work for you?
Upload your blend file.
When I open your particle.blend, there’s just a start up scene with a cube, cam, and light. No particle system.
I can’t attach files as a new user. Don’t know if I’m allowed, but here is a link to a blend-exchange https://blend-exchange.com/b/NZEwZ5YJ/
February 11, 2022, 9:40am
When I open your particle.blend, there’s just a start up scene with a cube, cam, and light. No particle system.
Press play in your Timeline.
February 11, 2022, 10:23am
The particle lifetime was way too high.
The negative start frame was also way too high.
The playback area in the timeline was way too small.
All of these things combined probably got the cutoff moving.
Which Blender version do you have?
Did you activate that?
And the Blend.
test-new.blend (1.3 MB)
Nope, I can’t find any particle system on your particle.blend https://i.imgur.com/7RGa9Mn.png
I’ll try with the negative frames allowed, thanks for the help
February 11, 2022, 10:37am
Which Blender version do you have?
No Particle System in the test-new.blend (1.3 MB)?