How to use UDIM in 2.9?

So here i am using marvelous designer to sculpt and animate some cloths ! exporting it as .abc, SO now i’m importing it in substance painter and texture everything using UDIM, all nice i export my textures, and i go to blender, and nothing work rigth. I setupe all my UDIMS for my uv and all but when i try to render the thing, the textures are all wrong :

and it’s suppose to look like this :

so if anyone got an idea thanks :slight_smile:

If you name your textures properly, once you select the right texture in the Image texture node (in the shader editor) it will add one extra setting for UDIM nodes.

The proper name should look like: “Name”.1001.tga, “Name”.1002.tga and so on…
Another way, if the texture node didn’t define the UDIM from the first place :
Go to the UV Editing and near the button “+New” select the little icon “Brows image to be linked” (it is on the left from the button “New”). Select your loaded texture. It will apply UDIMs and the UDIM parameter will appear in shader edditor.