How to uv unwrap to align some them alignment

I am new to uv unwrapping. I know basic of uv unwrapping but does not know how to deal with situation like below.

Basically I have long plane subdivided with edges.
I need to have 3 sub surfaces (see below) map to a specific part of an image.
And then have all 3 sub surfaces repeated for the rest of the plane.
How do you do that without having to do it repeatedly for every 3 sub surfaces ?

OperaTheatre_balconyUVmap.blend (2.5 MB)

While there is a copy-paste UV that actually kind of works in 3.5 (there’s been some amazing work on UVs lately by Chris), it’s a tad unreliable with all quad strips atm (rotation might be the other way around or the islands might be flipped) -

To be honest, since the geo’s are all just copies other I’d just UV one segment, and copy it over -


Once one level is done you can just copy that over, and you’ll be done in a jiffy -


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OK…first off the bat…
Each face of the long planes was separated, none were connected…
Use the Weld modifier and apply it…the Face to Quads makes things a bit easier…

Personally, I would set all the cherry on everything ( New UV map)
Then select only those areas that get the gold stuff…an easy way is to use UV stacking and stack all those parts …

make sure to assign the new face texture for the gold bits…

Thanks… guess I will adopt this feature UV copy/paste approach.
Also this “weld” to make it as one plane too.

I don’t know about UV stacking … what it means I will try to google some tutorial if any about it.

ok sharing my updated material using technique suggested.
Still I could not figure out the “staking” of UV approach … just use the copy/paste approach instead.

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It looks good…

UV stacks are when you have parts that have the same UV space and texture so you just “STACK” them on top of each other…