I’m working on quite long animation and I basically work in a continuous mode, meaning I setup animation, render it, then work from the last frame further, render this animation and so on.
At this point (over 2000 frames) the whole setup is extremely cluttered, and I was thinking if it’s possible to zero timeline from an arbitrary point, basically discarding all previous animations.
Hitting ‘S’ on the timeline would indicate only start of the render, but all other animation before that point is still there. Is it even possible in Blender?
Thanks, but it didn’t work. The timeline doesn’t reset to zero from the indicated point and somehow I lost whole armature animation after deleting the keyframes.
Okay, then follow the procedure I gave above (repeated here for your convenience):
Go to the Dopesheet, deselect all (a key) then box-select (b key) all the frames you want to delete. Hit ‘x’ or ‘del’
That’s step one.
Then select all (a) and drag them down to frame zero.