I'm curious as to how trim works on a dual boot SSD(Crucial MX100 256GB 2.5") running both Windows 7 professional and Hackintosh Mountain Lion or Mavericks. Would I need to enable trim on each partition under each OS? Sorry if this is a noob question. I'm just starting to get away from pre-built computers(Macs) and getting into building my own PCs after all these years...
yeah but I’m up for the challenge I need to use both platforms for different pieces of software, it’s going to be integral to my workflow. I’ll be doing much more than just using blender.
Already have the 1TB HDD to start off with in my build list.
I would guess yes. I’m quite ignorant when it comes to MacOS, but have my fair share of knowledge when it comes to Linux - and since MacOS and Linux are somewhat related, I’m taking a wild guess here that they also behave similarly when it comes to file systems.
In a Linux / Win 7 dual boot setup the issue would be this:
Windows can’t see the Linux partition due to the alien file system - and it can’t TRIM what it can’t see. Linux on the other hand uses a special driver to access Windows’ NTFS file system and to my knowledge that driver does not support TRIM at all. So you would need TRIM activated in each OS to TRIM its own file system.