How / where to type weight values numericaly in a rig in blender..rigg

hi… i am basicaly a Maya user. learning blender.

i want to select all the vertices for the upper ‘Lower Gum’ obj,
and type numericaly (100%) the weights for the jaw bone.

i am not able to find the Numerical Weights Panel in blender’s
Weight paint sector.

  1. dont know how to select vertics in Weight paint module.
  2. dont know where to find Numercl weight panel and hit
    100% to jaw bone, to make zero of other bone’s influences
    on Gum obj.

plz help…
thank you

That’s pretty easy, it’s just maybe not where you first think it should be.

Rather then do it in Weight paint mode, you do it in Edit mode.

Where you select the vertices you want to weight, along with the vertex group you want that weight stored in.

Then set the weight amount and press the Assign button.

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