How would I go about modelling this hair style?

I’ve never done a full 3D model before but, I do know a bit about it. I’ve been using 3DS Max for seven years but, never really got into creating full models.

I’m creating my own Sonic The Hedgehog character, and so I basically I need this hairstyle…

on this head

As you can see I used Shadow The Hedgehog as a base and already done some edits to him.
I was thinking about using the hair particles for this but, I want to know if there are any other methods.

Heres a quick geonodes vertex group based scatter approach.

Hope that helps.


Give this a look:


Nah, not procedural enough!

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Haha yeah if you’re going for procedural your method is definitely better :slight_smile: I personally like having ultra precise control over hair strands

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Never knew about this. Thanks!
I may have questions for later though.


I’ll clear my diary. :wink:

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Ok so I’m just now getting into this. Could you do a step-by-step?
I’m not too familiar with this setup. (717.7 KB)

heres a file.

Steps are.

  1. in edit mode make a vertex group of where you want the hair to be.

  2. add a geonodes modifier.

  3. select the group here by clicking on selection and picking yr group.


  1. spend the last two years learning geonodes.

  2. Really have a look at the file, then ask some more specific questions…


^snicker^. And there’s the rub, aside from the lesser control. Though that setup isn’t actually so bad; it takes less effort to understand it than it would take creating it from scratch. Thanks! That’ll come in handy for something I want to do. tiptoes back out of the thread.


Ok how would I shape the hair to what I want it to be? Like combing.

Couple of ways, one is with the new hair system, it allows you to comb and cut, Ill post that later, its stupid o’clock here now.

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You’re somewhat limited with procedural generation- while there are ways, if you want strand by strand precision, you’ll need to model it instead :slight_smile: the game models you’re referencing (from Sonic games) use hand modeled strands. I’m not knocking the geonodes options at all, just saying that eventually you choose either speed/proceduralism or precision/hand modeling


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The other way, would be to make a scalp model (copy some of the head mesh)
use the setup I showed you, but reference the other model.

since the setup is normal align based it will allow you to sculpt the scalp mesh and orient your hair.

You can trim curves with trim curve node or add some noise in the z scale to have some random lengths.

All these methods are valid, it just depends on what your end goal is…Game model, still, animation, low poly, high poly.

You should really consider what your output needs to be, because it will affect your inputs. (garbage in garbage out!)

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I was really stuck between somehow modeling the hair with a fast method and then rig it afterwards or just hand model the hair and then rigging the it. (Somehow I knew the consequences between the methods) I knew I needed to hand make the model with precision but, I really had to be sure of what I can and can’t do.

And plus, I need to make the hair strands symmetrical. I do appreciate you showing me these things though, I can use them for other things instead.


Cool, whatever works for you, the nice thing about Blender and 3d in general is there are many ways to achieve what you want,

I often watch Houdini, C4d, and 3ds tutorials, because the principles are mostly the same. Its amazing how much you can pickup watching sometimes totally unrelated tuts, and suddenly you think, hang on?! I could use this technique to achieve something else.

Happy exploring.