How would you approach this task of making folds on material

Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean “Use a Subsurf but don’t apply it if you have no reason to”. Thanks for the link!

Use a Subdivision Surface modifier, but don’t click on its Apply button, because it will add edge loops for real and it will make the object heavie and make any change much more difficult.

Sometimes you need to apply the Subsurf, for example if you plan to print in 3D or you need a high-poly object for a game or etc… but as long as you don’t have to, don’t apply

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I thought keeping sub surf without applying will make my hardware work harder . That’s why I would hit eventually apply.

I would also apply all subsurf for a copy file to keep it as small as possible.

no it’s the opposite, applying the Subsurf makes the object heavier, also keep the modifier value at a low rate like 2.

3 or more is useless most of the time

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Many thanks! It makes a lot clearer for me now.