I would like to get out of doubts, I tried to do this in blender, I would like to know how you would do it or how to get a result like this, because I did this example in other software.
A circle with a twist (Simple Deform) modifier.
You can add a wireframe modifier or such for the visible geometry.
Thank you very much for the answer, could you tell me if you applied it to a bezier? I just used that modifier, I did not try to exceed the degrees it allows.
Nope. Just add a regular mesh circle (make sure it’s got plenty of geometry, probably like 500 verts) then put the modifier on it.
You will have to exceed the degrees the modifier allows by default. Just type in the number and you can go past the “maximum”.
Hi again, thanks for the time you take to answer, I was trying and indeed if it does the effect I am looking for, but in my case it is not spherical, I do not know if I’m doing something wrong, and to make it with that thickness of my examples I could use?
Gents, thank you both for the effect. Love it and already using it.
I used the cast > sphere modifier to make it round but it deformed the geometry but I liked the effect.
Using the effect as a HUD.
I see two problems:
- You put your Wireframe modifier before the Simple Deform modifier.
- You put your Subdivision Surface modifier after the Simple Deform modifier.
You can either put the subdiv modifier before the twist modifier or use a higher resolution circle. Here’s a screenshot showing the differences
Left: 32 verts, subdiv before twist | Middle: 512 verts, no subdiv | Right: 32 verts, subdiv after twist
Not much difference between the first and second ones (so you can do it whichever way), but the last one does not work.