Ever since I saw a random tutorial about sand on youtube I’ve been interested in generating sand dunes in an interesting way. Most of the tutorials on youtube uses a Voronoi noise and then displaces that noise with regular noise. While that does give a nice result, it does not feel “correct”.
Eventually I came across this video and this post. I was unable to create dunes that looked the way I wanted which is kinda like this. But my takeaway was that sand dunes should have a direction. Here are some failed attempts
The shape of your dune should like kinda like this
Now I have three ideas of how to generate/create dunes in blender. The first one works well and the second and third are just ideas I’m gonna share to see if anyone can improve them.
Voronoi noise with a wave texture plugged into smoothness. It looks like this:
After generating the main dunes you can add some ripples.
Here is the final result.
Now the second and third methods as I wrote are just ideas to be explored.
is through a cloth simulation. I’m not familiar with how the physics in Blender works but I get the impression that it’s not exactly the most developed part of Blender. I tried going through the documentation on the subject but I did not find it helpful. Anyway here is a screenshot:
Geometry nodes. I’m terrible at it. I have managed to create the dune shape though. Here is the result:
I’ve been trying for like 1,5 months now and nothing has come of it. But I felt like I needed to share some of the results I have achieved even though is not in the form of a pretty rendered image of a desert landscape.
With that said how would you go about creating pretty sand dunes? Please share your results.