How would you unwrapp this mesh?

Hi guys.

I was wondering how would you uv unwrapp this earring. Where would you mark the seams? It has super beveled edges which I need to be seamless and it has a little hole… which causes an incorrect topology that I don´t know how to fix.

Thank you so much!

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Welcome :tada:

…i actually don’t understand… what’s the problem… ? You already have seams even not explicitly marked…maybe…

If both sides of a medal are the same, it can be overlapped

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And Here is my take on this…

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Yes, that´s because I runned Smart Uv Project.

That´s interesting, but the seams and change of pattern on the beveled edges still persisting. How would you avoid it?

Make it the same setting as the image
It is not affected by UV.

If you need UV, bake the above settings


When using UVs then the pattern will always change if you don’t paint it in 3D or use procedural materail and bake it into the UVspace… that’s the essential contra of UVs… possible problematic borders because of different length and anlge in the UVspace …