Human Anatomy Study

This started out somewhere last spring I think. The intention was to make a quick reference model but down the rabbit hole I went. Also it’s something I should have done ages ago. I did had a previous attempt last fall but it didn’t turn out so well. This one I’m much more confident about.

I think I’ve covered all the muscles that could be even slightly relevant to an artist, but now I’m contemplating the very deepest structures as well, for the sake of completeness and also it looks cool.

Next step however is to refine the skeleton, specifically to define all the bony landmarks where muscles attach.


Wow, really nice work!

So much detail. I would use this as a reference. :+1:

@Cire Thank you!

Speaking of reference. My sources:

Sam Webster
The Noted Anatomist
Bodyworks Prime


Cool, thanks for the links!

Nice work bro, please if you can put this on gumroad or something for free or a small amount that anyone interested can afford for anatomy study purposes…

Thank you. The sources I listed above served me well and they’re free.

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Yup, but I meant the model study you made yourself. But yeah is not necessary If you don’t like the idea :grin:.

just: wow! thank you for sharing this!

Incredible work! You may be interested with Elliot Goldfinger’s Human Anatomy for Artists: The Elements of Form.

Blimey, that’s impressive work!


If it’s possible, can you add a 360 of only one leg, like the last arms pics?

VERY cool, any plans on animating it?