Human Animations required

I (and some other people) are working on a game project. We plan to recreate the Grand Theft Auto 1 world in 3d. We have already been working on it for over a month , and basic features of the engine (like map loading , player movement , and more) are already ready. I know basic blender like modelling props , vehicles , but I lack experience in animation and human creation.

When we were working on the player part , we realised that we needed many animations for the game to go. I tried finding some animations on the internet , but I’m not sure about their licence. I tried myself to create some basic animations (like walk animation) but they all didn’t come out well , I tried to follow some tutorials. Everyone else in the team also has no experience in neither modelling nor animating.

So we basically need only one human model (should be about medium quality , not go too high like 10,000 polygons or something (If it goes I’ll try decimating it)) , and animations for that. I would modify the model if I want to make multiple models.

More about the project
I’m the lead programmer of the project , and also the map designer. We have got 2 other people doing sprites , map and helping me with programming. The game is written on a custom engine over irrlicht in C++ , as Unity or Unreal engine would not be suitable as there are 3 large cities (also because of the licence issue and for more control).

Screens: - ingame (with temp character) - ingame - code length (minus engine) - code directory

If you can help , you can contact me at skype: parikshit.mosrille and I’ll add you to our group chat there , or you can email me “[email protected]
[SUB][SUP]also: its not my mistake about my name , I was named after[/SUP][/SUB]

So we need human model (with animations (like walk , run , crouch , jump , climb , swim , eat , fall , shoot and reload)).
And as it will be a crucial part of the game , ofcourse the person will get credits , and optionally can join the team if wanted. If the game makes any profit , they will be divided among them too.