Humanoid game rig, input needed

Some people over at have started a discussion regarding the creation of a “unified game rig” as a standard rig with a pre-set of typical game animations:

Currently I have created a first work in progress version:

(preview picture outdated)

I think some of it is pretty advanced already… but some input from an experienced Blender rigger or animator would be highly appreciated!

P.S.: Yes the rig is free to use under the licenses specified on the download page :wink:

I think you can simplify the hand rig a bit. You have 2 targets and 2 ik constraints per finger. You can delete the ik constraint on the 2nd digit, leave it on the 1st, and name target2 as a pole target for the ik on the 1st digit. Actually, you could delete the 2nd target if you change the direction of the first target bone. It would simplify finger control to only 1 bone, I’m thinking. But it would be hard to do in the current rest pose…

How about some elbow targets? Is this going to be a full ik rig? no fk for the arms for example? I see you are using an action constraint on the foot, can you do that for a game engine?

Just a couple random thoughts…

Thanks for the reply!

I was really just following the tutorial (based on Blender 2.49) of the Mancandy rig, and that has two IK. But you are right, a pole target should do the same… let’s try :wink:
However in the end you only control it via the one finger control bone, which by scaling bends the finger and by rotating rotates the entire finger.

Well I am not sure about it… currently it seems to me like IK is doing the job fine, and for animation FPS weapon animations it seems to be a very good setup and it keeps the hands level. People have suggested setting up a IK/FK switch, but neither do I currently know how to to it, nor do I really see the benefit in having FK control (examples where it might be useful are welcome).
Concerning the elbow target… yes I thought about that too… currently the shoulder bones do the same, but it is a bit of a strange setup I got from the Blender meta-rig. Any suggestions on a good way to set up the arms and shoulders (maybe a tutorial somewhere?)

Not sure if that works in the Blender game engine, but if you export it to md5 for example just the locations of the bones is stored and thus that should work just fine.

BTW does anyone have a good setup for the torso? Would a spine IK be useful for the actual spine?

Edit: Just found your FK/IK video tutorials… will have a closer look at them:

I also found out the reason for the shoulder bone setup:
I guess a elbow target is the better solution.

updated the arm rig, input highly appreciated.