HUUUGE Undo Problem

I just pressed CRT+Z to undo 1 step and blender just reversed like 2 hours of work… What the hell.

I am very hesitant to do anything right now, because I really want to get that stuff back… Redo did nothing…

What just happend, this is terrible!

Can anyone help me, tell me something …

Ctrl Shift Z, should redo (I suppose you already know that)

You could try checking your temp folder for recent auto-saves, (in another instance of blender don’t close the original yet in case someone has another idea)

Hi, if the keyboard short cut to redo not working try the Edit>Redo several times to get back to where you stopped.
This is a classic example why you should save as incremental every 15 or 20 minutes of work .

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Yeah, I opend of the autosave files and MOST of the work was there.

However, this keeps happening … the Undo is seriously broken.

It keeps jumping like 50 - 100 Steps back. It seems to ignore edit mode and I don’t know what.
Very bad!

You can go to Edit>Preferences>System>undo and reduce the amount of undo’s.

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That’s weird, Blender used to behave this way years ago, but this hasn’t been a problem in a long time. You are using the most recent Blender version, right?

I don’t know if this would work in a case like this, but you can always try finding your computer’s “temp” folder, Blender leaves auto-saves and whole scenes just as they were when you last quit (can be useful to retrieve a scene after a crash).

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