Hydraulic Jaws (npr test)

Model in Blender, rendered in freestyle and some work with Gimp.


Well now you gone and made me interested in Freestyle :slight_smile:

Hmm… Handy dandy looking program. Looks HQ, so you make a 3d model and you import it into freestyle?

That’s awesome, exactly what i’m looking for for a short film i have in mind…now to see if i can compile an os x version…

Yes, it works this way:

  1. Make a model, export as .3ds and import into freestyle.
  2. In freestyle, open Style Modeler and load a style (I used a modified version of japanese_bigbrush.py).
  3. Compute View Map (CTRL+B)
  4. Compute Strokes (CTRL+D). You should now (hopefully) see strokes on your model (you can hide the model by pressing f3).
  5. You can either save the screen or tweak the settings or viewport (move view with mouse, repeat steps 3 and 4 to recalculate strokes). The size of the saved image depends on the size of the Freestyle window, which is rather stupid imo.

Freestyle crashes a lot but is fun to toy with.


I must have a butchers at this freestyle malarky.*

*I must have a look at this freestyle thing.

I checked it out. I had no luck with it at all. It wouldn’t view my exporrted model. And when I tried one of the supplied models, it crashed out calculating strokes. Very disappointed :frowning:

That looks great.
yfkar ,
are runing Linux on this?

I’m glad to see someone had succes with blender + freestyle,I could never get my 3ds exports to show up from blender.Probaly a windows thing.

Wish there was a way to bring this inside of blender since freestyle is made with python also.

RONIN: I have always had the same problem (and I’m on Windows too). I don’t know why it works now. Perhaps the .3ds exporter has been changed in cvs (which I’m using), you could try checking it out.

Gave it a try w/2.41 an 2.42 test build,still crashes an gives errors.:frowning:
I still belive freestyle+blender should work.

One day blender will have pure NPR satisfaction,but not today.

hey im going to try this for a Logo of mine but it crashes when i try to compute the view map. do i need to load a camera?

any help would be great.

yep - crashes for me 2 on windows 2000

Also I had to get a missing dll to get it to run in the first time. Id love this to work but unfortuanately it doesnt on my platform…


Here’s a Windows build (msvc, fresh today from cvs) that works fine for me with Freestyle. Working fine meaning that .3ds files exported with it don’t crash. Just extract it somewhere and run.

Alternate links (hosted on my computer which isn’t always on)

Could somebody please try it out and report if they had any luck?

Thanks for posting the build Yfkar, I’ll give it a try tonite.

The 3ds import works great now.
But my strokes are not showing.At least no crashing.

Import error:no module named freestlye


I downloaded the file:

I finally figured out that a .7z is just another new fangled zip format and got it extracted…

I load my current model and go to <file> <export> and there is now .3ds format in this build… there is a .3ds import but no export that I saw.

So how do I export the .3ds file??? or do I have to export it as something else then convert it to .3ds???

Thanks for the help…


Wow, nice renderer. i will try it ^^

Ok… I got freestyle downloaded and I am reading thru the tutorial… I open one of the included models… and when I try to open a style module, the whole; thing crashes…

Any ideas???


I can’t load module as well as Cujo can’t. Pity…
Free Style’s renders look so sweet.

Ok…so I reinstalled Python…still no love… keeps crashing when I open a style module…

I must be doing something wrong or setup something wrong…

anyone care to help?
