I am developing a phobia of using Blender, it's stressing me out

I have failed at using Blender way more times than being successful with it. It really got to me when I had that corrupt file that was created by uploading a corrupt FBX mocap that infected my blender file. I tried all the tricks like copy all and paste onto a new file. The infection followed. That went on for a month. Now when I am about to go to use Blender my heart rate goes up I’m shaking, I’m stressed also for not doing any work and that just adds to the stress.

Yesterday, I wasted so much time trying to figure out why Rigify didn’t have a tongue controller anymore. Ya know, the controller that’s the same as the jaw controller but smaller for the tongue. It was gone! I just used it a few days ago and the controller was there on all my other rigs. Now, instead of enjoying doing some animating I have to instead investigate why it had disappeared.

This could be another corrupt file so I find the tongue controller, turns out it’s just another yellow cube instead with the same name: “WGT-rig_tongue” And there goes the time I set aside to animate is now another mystery to solve. Yes sometimes I make mistakes or forget a step or have to uncheck a box. Instead of enjoying Blender I end up fighting it.

The mystery is still a mystery, I check the Rigify version it’s the same as the others v0.6.6 that supplies me with the same tongue controller except 1. I am going mad using Blender, there is no way around it.

So Rigify does throw curveballs in mysterious ways.

Sounds like maybe you should put Blender aside for a few days or weeks, and take some time to rejuvenate and recharge mentally :slight_smile:


I was doing that after I had a bicycling accident moving my mouse was very painful. So I had to sit on the couch all summer waiting until the pain went away. So I’m whole again then I got the corrupt file. I just sit there feeling guilty for not doing any animation. I think I’ll try taking up smoking pot. Maybe that will chill me out.

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Don’t stop, but make simple stuff that have results fast, that way you get an emotional reward.


Very often when i hear something from someone who works professionally in 3D i learn something new… necause i wasn’t educated in 3D on any school. And also i’m evertime amazed what other do with blender…
On thing that directly came to my mind is what @sophiejantak is doing with th grease pencil:

But well i’m not so much the drawning/painting user (but of course i would like to… like playing the guitar for example :wink:)

And by the way all others also had to learn what they can (or can not) do today… over years…

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I used Maya to learn how to model and use 3D software. It would always crash when you did the same thing or pressed the same sequence of buttons. It was dependable how and when it would crash. Not that I would want to use it instead of Blender. I like Blender as it does make for beautiful results.

I must admit that sharing my frustration and anxiety does help me calm down. I am grateful to have this forum to let it all out.

Thanks Guys!


This is a Rigify issue, not Blender.

Guess what I’m using Rigify with?

I want to emphasize what @Bullit suggested: side-step the problem. This is a strategy I’ve used successfully for most of my life – if something frustrates me to the point where I dislike even touching it. I stop doing that task altogether for a time, and do something else, closely related, but different, maybe simpler or more straightforward, something I know I will succeed at. That second part is important. Sometimes just a break to recharge is enough, but usually not when I am actively frustrated with the way something works, and I can’t change that. Without that second step, without actually doing something successfully, I just slip into avoidance mode which changes nothing.

It’s a stupid human trick, but it works; it shifts my mood from negative to positive. And then I’ll be better able to deal with the original problem, put fresh eyes on it.


I can’t do the side step, I’ve been doing that for over 2 years now. Instead I fixed up my YouTube channel, rendered some good art, to be productive for me is my therapy. I just need to add some more positive experiences using Blender.

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Here is a trick i use if something bothers me too much… if even the tiniest thing works… STOP working on it and enjoy the victory… and do something else…
if i come back: most of the time i see what i have done wrong or just can go on… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And even if not: nobody can take away my victory time and it even empowers me to do other things more enthusiastic… :grin: :confetti_ball:

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I have that too, I like to draw some pinup art, I find that very relaxing.

But I have a project that needs attending to, and it requires Blender. It cannot be put aside any longer.

When Covid came along I said “Yes! I’ll have a ton of undisrupted time to do a ton of animation.” I was wrong, it was the most distracting thing to ever occur in my life.

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Hi DragonSkunk2,

I read your message, and I understand you completly.

I sometimes feel like giving up but if you fall you need to stand up again sometimes.

Try to stay positive.

Im a newbee to this Blender Animation world too and when I get frustrated I like to remind myself… from mistakes you can learn.

Dont give up please … your portifolio looks great…like your cherry red fox.

If I solve a problem I try to make my own tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRdWg-tsg00) so I can watch it back.

I figured also is better to make your own armature with the bones because then you can personalise it to your own character.

This is also a great tutorial to rig your tongue of your charactet (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCrrGtvgTTE&t=887s)

Just follow a few youtube tutorials there are many great ones out there - rig your own bones and you will understand rigging better. But please dont give up.

Im am new and learning allot already.

Whatever you set your mind into YOU CAN DO IT!!

Dont give up :slight_smile:

Have a nice day

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There will always be hurdles and frustrations. Problem solving is half the battle. Focus on another project or aspect of your current one for the moment, and come back to it later when you’ve had a chance to digest.

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Sometimes, simply walking away will do it.

When debugging software, when I reached a point where I was banging my head against the table, I would stop and step outside for a cigarette. Within 4 or 5 puffs, I would suddenly realize the answer. (and waste a perfectly good ciggy)

Once, I had 2 or 3 days to meet a deadline and had not written any code. Suddenly, on a Monday morning, I walked into work, sat down and banged out code for 4 hours straight.

Somehow, the human brain “works on things” in the background.

Good luck. Many epiphanies to come.


I’m not giving up, I’m getting right back on the horse.