I can no longer work in Maya thanks to Blender!

hi Kjartan

only because bledner has a softbody doesnt mean you it is the same like in other 3d apps. blender also has particles but in terms of depth it lacks a lot other particle system offer today. not that io complain blender does not have this or that just keep in mind softbody is not softbody.

I’m a casual Blender and I really like it.
I used to work in the design industry and I touched on 3D a few time but it was always with 3D MAX - Harr-de-Harr Matey :wink:

I miss some of the stuff from Max. I liked the “stack” concept. I would love to be able to keep a spline (curve) as my base-model and then bevel-it (with many sections) and then curve it and then add mesh information to it, etc, all while being able to go back and change the spline when I need to.
Blender seems very final in some ways - ya gots ta makes ya’s mind up and sticks with it!

I also miss the material editor - I nearly died from a blown mind when I first realised what materials where all about!

Now it’s Blender all the way. Simpler, better, faster and Free!

I have the same problem. But I think if you use it for a week all will come back. I need it for the normal map thingy.