Including modeling, animation, rendering, etc., as long as you have a request, we can use remote, you have any questions, I can answer, there is no time limit, as long as you pay, I will help you with this problem until you solve it. If you are not assured, I can provide a portfolio.
We are always online and ready for consultation! If you need anything, you can contact us through discord or leave a message below!
discord: hyuer
I’ll happily pay you $7 if you can compile a custom build of Blender that takes all the features from Goo Engine 4.2, adds back the modifier menu from Blender 3.6.13, adds back the Bloom from Blender 3.6.13, adds back Eevee Legacy, reverts all the extension stuff to normal add-on stuff, and includes the experimental UI patch that moves the hex value in the color picker that’s in review right now. Heck, I’m feeling generous, I’ll pay you $10
That failing, I’ll pay you $7 to explain why everywhere in the BPY API, location and rotation are referred to as “LOC” and “ROT” except one single place- driver expressions- where it’s “LOC_DIFF” and “ROTATION_DIFF”